listening on headphones

Award-Winning Audiobook Titles

Audiobooks are an extremely popular way to read especially while also doing other things. If you’re commuting, working in the yard, or doing chores around the house, it’s extremely easy to listen to an audiobook. Most avid audiobook listeners have favorite narrators, whose job it is to immerse you in the story. Some audiobooks now come narrated with a full cast which is almost like listening to a TV show or movie. And now that you can access audiobooks on your phone without the need for a CD player, they’re more accessible than ever. At least they are if you have a smartphone.

I’m not sure that most people are aware that beyond the book awards that are announced each year, there are also specific awards for audiobooks too! The most prestigious awards for audiobooks is the Audie Award presented by the Audio Publishers Association in 26 different categories and the Odyssey Award presented annually by the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC) and the Young Adult Library Services Association (YALSA), divisions of ALA.

Alternative Options

Specifically for children’s and teen content, the ALA also posts the Notable Children’s Recordings list that includes the Odyssey Award winner. But it also includes a much larger list of great content for readers 14 and under. And you don’t want to forget that many of the books that win other awards are often made into audiobooks as well. With the right narrator, this is another great source for finding great audiobooks.

And as always, if you’re looking for more great suggestions check out Full Cast Audiobooks for Tweens & Teens as well as Blogging A to Z: Audiobooks here on Literacious.

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Award-Winning Audiobook Titles

Audie Award for Middle Grade

Stuntboy, in the Meantime

by Jason Reynolds

narrated by Guy Lockard, Nile Bullock, Angel Pean, James Fouhey, Soneela Nankani, Leon Nixon, Chanté McCormick, Lamarr Gulley, and DePre Owens

Audie Award for Young Adult

Demon In the Wood (graphic novel)

by Leigh Bardugo

narrated by Ben Barnes, Benjamin Valic, Cassandra Morris, Eason Rytter, James Fouhey, Mary McCartney, Matt Leisy, Salli Saffioti, Sean Gormley, and Tom Bromhead

Audie Award for Young Listeners

A Door Made for Me

written and narrated by Tyler Merritt

Odyssey Award for Excellence in Audiobook Production for Children

Stuntboy, in the Meantime

by Jason Reynolds

narrated by Guy Lockard, Nile Bullock, Angel Pean, James Fouhey, Soneela Nankani, Leon Nixon, Chanté McCormick, Lamarr Gulley, and DePre Owens

Odyssey Award for Excellence in Audiobook Production for Young Adults

The Honeys

by Ryan La Sala

narrated by Pete Cross

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