• Lists

    20 Audiobooks for the Whole Family

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    Summertime is just around the corner and if you’re anything like my family was growing up, we spent a lot of time on road trips! With both my parents being professors, we were lucky to have time to travel during the summer and often spent time visiting family in exciting…

  • Lists

    ALSC Notable Lists

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    I know I’m always looking for great books suggestions and I’ll often look at book awards and notable book lists, but as a blogger and librarian, I’ll often know where to look to find these great suggestions. I’m not always sure that the general public knows how to find these…

  • Lists

    Award-Winning Audiobook Titles

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    Audiobooks are an extremely popular way to read especially while also doing other things. If you’re commuting, working in the yard, or doing chores around the house, it’s extremely easy to listen to an audiobook. Most avid audiobook listeners have favorite narrators, whose job it is to immerse you in…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Full Cast Audiobooks for Tweens and Teens

    Top Ten Tuesday

    I’m not much of an audiobook listener. I’m very lucky to have a quick commute and don’t love the feel of headphones while I’m working on housework and yardwork. But, I’ve heard (pun intended) amazing things about full cast audiobooks. Typically, audiobooks will have a narrator, one person who reads…

  • Activities

    Blogging A to Z: Audiobooks

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    Introduction It’s April 1st which means it’s the first day of the 2022 Blogging A to Z Challenge! As I mentioned in my theme reveal post, this is my seventh (!) year participating in the challenge. And I’m really excited about my theme this year. Reaching reluctant readers is definitely…