• Lists

    Award-Winning Audiobook Titles

    listening on headphones

    Audiobooks are an extremely popular way to read especially while also doing other things. If you’re commuting, working in the yard, or doing chores around the house, it’s extremely easy to listen to an audiobook. Most avid audiobook listeners have favorite narrators, whose job it is to immerse you in…

  • Lists

    25 Middle Grade Books Set During Summer Vacation


    Summer vacation has already started for some kids and for others, it’ll be coming very soon! I’m sharing 25 middle grade books set during summer vacation this week that will be a perfect fit for summer vacation reads. Whether you’re doing a staycation, going to day camp, sleep-away camp, or…

  • Lists

    15 YA Must-Read Novels in 2023

    reading in bed

    I’m really hoping that by planning, I’ll actually be able to read a lot of the books on my TBR next year. I’m adding these 15 YA must-read novels in 2023 to my Goodreads account ASAP. And I’m loving the diversity of genres – fantasy, historical fiction, contemporary fiction –…