• Lifestyle

    World Octopus Day


    Can you believe today is World Octopus Day?!?!? I already love it! Since an octopus is my logo, I can’t help but celebrate World Octopus Day today! And if you’re wondering why my logo includes an octopus and an ice cream sundae, check out my post here. Octopuses are really…

  • Lists

    6 Books for Yom Kippur

    Yom Kippur begins this evening at sunset. While many non-Jewish people put an emphasis on Hanukkah, Yom Kippur is one of the most important holidays of the Jewish faith. Although I’ve created a book list for Rosh Hashanah, twice! I’ve never created a book list for Yom Kippur. So today’s…

  • Lists

    Four on Friday: National Motorcycle Day


    It’s National Motorcycle Day! And although I’ve never actually been on a motorcycle myself, there are a lot of people in my life that love to ride including my brother-in-law. So of course, I’ve got to share some great children’s books about motorcycles! Four on Friday: National Motorcycle Day Girl…

  • Lists

    Four on Friday: Tails & Tales

    whale tail

    This summer’s theme for many public libraries’ summer reading programs is Tails & Tales from the Collaborative Summer Library Program. Hence, my inspiration for today’s post – four titles all about tails! These are really interactive titles that work for toddlers, preschoolers, and elementary school age – it just depends…

  • Lists

    Four on Friday: Father’s Day

    Father's Day

    Father’s Day is right around the corner! And today I’m sharing just four adorable books for the special dads in your family! These four titles barely scratch the surface of the number of great books out there, but they’re all so sweet, I just had to share them! My dad…

  • Lists

    9 Books to Celebrate Eid Al-Fitr


    From sundown yesterday to sundown this evening, Muslims around the world are celebrating Eid Al-Fitr. This festival celebrates the end of fasting during the month of Ramadan. I didn’t have a lot of luck finding many books about this holiday, but I found a few I wanted to share. Many…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 17: St. Patrick’s Day


    St. Patrick’s Day in my house means the one time a year I make corned beef. Isn’t it weird that some foods are only made around a specific holiday? Chex Mix in my house growing up was only made around Christmas. I’m not sure why. When I moved out after…

  • Reviews

    Shanté Keys and the New Year’s Peas

    Hoppin' John

    Synopsis: “Shanté Keys loves New Year’s Day! But while Grandma fixed chitlins, baked ham, greens, and cornbread, she forgot the black-eyed peas! Oh no—it’ll be bad luck without them! So Shanté sets out to borrow some from the neighbors. Does Miss Lee have peas? What about Mr. MacGhee, or Shanté’s…

  • Lifestyle

    Merry Christmas!

    Merry Christmas to all my readers! I’m spending the day Zooming with family and opening gifts with my partner. I hope that whatever way you find to celebrate this year, you get time to enjoy yourself!