• Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Wallpaper


    Summary: “New from the creator of Skunk on a String comes Wallpaper, a wordless picture book in Thao Lam’s signature paper collage style. It tells the story of a young girl whose family moves into a new house. Outside, she can hear other kids playing, but she’s too shy to…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Joy

    Summary: “Fern’s Nanna has not been herself of late. And when Mum remarks that all the joy seems to have gone out of her life, Fern decides to fetch the joy back. With her catching-kit at the ready, she goes to the park and finds joy in all sorts of…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Franklin and Luna Go To the Moon


    Summary: “Luna’s best friend, Franklin, is a dragon. They love to read stories about everything from trampolining to deep-sea diving. One day, they are reading about where werewolves live and Franklin begins to wonder where he is from. He is 605 years old and has no idea where to find…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Little Brown


    Summary: “Little Brown is one cranky canine because no one ever plays with him at the dog park. Or maybe no one ever plays with him because he is cranky. Either way, Little Brown decides today is the day to take action, so he takes all of the toys and…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Loved to Bits

    teddy bear

    Summary: “A wonderfully exuberant teddy bear and his little boy go on all sorts of grand adventures collecting stories (and a few scrapes and bruises) along the way in Loved to Bits, a picture book about friendship from Teresa Heapy and Katie Cleminson. Ted and his boy do everything together. They fight beasts…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: The Visitor

    paper airplane

    Summary: “Elise was frightened—of spiders, people, even trees. So she never went out, night or day. One day a strange thing flies in through the window and lands at her feet. And then there comes a knock at the door. Elise has a visitor who will change everything. This is…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Off & Away

    message in a bottle

    Summary: “How would you get mail if you lived in the middle of the sea? It’s Jo’s dad’s job to deliver it, taking bottles wherever they need to go. He always comes home with exciting stories to tell-but Jo is far too afraid to go out on the ocean herself.…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Pretty Kitty


    Summary: “A counting picture book in rhyme about a lonely old man whose heart is slowly melted by an ever-growing number of kitties hoping to find a home. Old man, big city. Pretty kitty, pretty little itty bitty kitty cat. In this charming counting book, a lonely old man discovers…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: Carmela Full of Wishes


    Summary: “When Carmela wakes up on her birthday, her wish has already come true–she’s finally old enough to join her big brother as he does the family errands. Together, they travel through their neighborhood, past the crowded bus stop, the fenced-off repair shop, and the panaderia, until they arrive at…