Theme Reveal

2024 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal

2024 Blogging A to Z: Theme Reveal

Can you believe April is around the corner already?!?!?! Spring is just around the corner and I’ve already got daffodils blooming in my garden beds! Although I love seeing flowers everywhere, I also love April because it’s the Blogging A to Z Challenge month!

This will be my 9th year participating in the Blogging A to Z Challenge and I’ll be honest, it can be difficult coming up with a new theme every year. Especially one that will work as part of my blog and one that I can easily think of words for the letters J, K, Q, and Z! But, last year, after struggling to think of a theme, I somehow ended up with themes for the next few years, which is pretty awesome!

Previous Years’ Themes

If you’re interested in past years, check out the reflection post which has links to every letter for each year.

26 additional posts on top of all the writing I already do for the blog is daunting, especially because each post takes time to write and plan and they all have to fall under a general theme (at least how I do it). But, I think this year’s theme is not only really exciting, but one that I think will help teachers, librarians, parents, and caregivers, especially this summer!

Theme Reveal

This year’s theme will be Adventurous Readers! For many kids who participate in Summer Reading at their public libraries this summer, this theme will look familiar as the Collaborative Summer Reading Program theme is “Adventure Bgeins at Your Library.”

My plan is to take each letter of the alphabet and created a themed book list with a focus on adventure titles for each letter theme. I hope to share over 300 titles for all ages in April, which may inspire some summer reading lists of books too! I’ve already started curating my list of titles, I always want to ensure that I’m sharing as many differetn authors as possible and not repeating titles across the alphabet. There are some really amazing adventure books out there and I’m so excited to share those titles with you!

Be sure to stop back in April for some great reading suggestions!


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