Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Why I Love Reading

This should be a pretty easy list to create! I’ve loved reading for as long as I can remember.

  1. Escape
    Books allow youto escape your everyday world and explore new places.
  2. Balance
    I can actually tell when I’m not reading enough! I get super cranky and impatient. Even if I can read for 10-15 minutes a day, I feel more balanced overall.
  3. Relax
    My favorite way to unwind is to read, especially at night as part of my bedtime routine. Even if it’s just a page or two, readng usually helps me fall asleep.
  4. Learn
    You don’t necessarily need to read nonfiction titles to learn form books! Fiction titles have been shown to teach kids empathy. And I always learn something when I read.
  5. Connect
    The book community is so fun to be a part of! I’ve met people from all over the world by reading books – characters, creators, and other readers!
  6. Beauty
    Books are gorgeous ways to decorate your home. I have books in almost every room of my house and I love how pretty they are to look at!
  7. Comfort
    When you feel like you don’t have any control, re-reading books can provide a level of comfort you are having trouble finding. It’s like visiting with old friends.
  8. Travel
    I might not ever be able to travel everywhere I want to, but books allow me a sneak peek into locations around the world.
  9. Availablility
    I love being able to read almost anywhere! Whether you’re read a traditional book, use an ereader, or listen to audiobooks, reading can be done everywhere!
  10. Enjoyment
    I just love to read! I could never understand when someone would say to me, “I don’t have time to read!” I’ve learned that I have to make time, because as I mentioned, reading helps to keep me balanced!

top ten tuesday

The Artsy Reader Girl currently hosts Top Ten Tuesday, an original feature created by The Broke and the Bookish.


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