
Eat More Veggies

Continuing from my post yesterday about my 30-day yoga challenge for January. I also thought I’d share my first week of meal planning. I’ve mentioned in the past that my partner and I are trying to include more vegetarian meals into our diet, relying less on meat to provide protein and trying to eat more veggies. We don’t always do great, but my goal when meal planning is to plan every other day as a vegetarian dinner option. And I’ll be honest since we started this a couple of years ago, I feel a lot better.

If you had told me five years ago that I’d be eating half of my dinners using primarily vegetarian recipes, I would have laughed out loud! But, we started out slow doing a Meatless Monday meal, and then as my partner learned more about how many resources are needed for the meat industry and a lot of the practices, he was more interested in trying even more vegetarian meals. And, let’s be honest, we still eat a lot of junk food and sweets. But, making healthier choices is part of my New Year’s goals and I’m starting off strong!

My goal each week is to plan our dinners and go grocery shopping on Saturday or Sunday and get as much as I’m able to for the week. Meal planning for the week helps to keep us on track and causes a lot less stress when it’s 5:30 on a Wednesday night – we know what’s on the menu and we have the ingredients we need. I also really enjoy cooking, so I like planning meals!

Eat More Veggies

Up this week:


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