
Three on a Theme: Snow

With our first snowstorm in the books for the winter season, I could think of nothing better than to share a couple of picture books about snow. I love snow, as long as I’m staying inside and don’t have to worry about traveling. Yesterday’s snowstorm made travel in our area horribly difficult – as people’s regular 30-minute commute ended up being 2.5-3 hours. At least today, we get to enjoy how pretty it looks on the ground and bonus points that my sidewalk has already melted, so no more shoveling this morning! Wrap up in a nice warm blanket, grab some hot cocoa and read these adorable stories about snow and winter!


Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter

Goodbye Autumn, Hello Winter by Kenard Pak
“As leaves fall from their trees, animals huddle against the cold, and frost creeps across windows, everyone knows–winter is on its way!

Join a brother and sister as they explore nature and take a stroll through their twinkling town, greeting all the signs of the coming season. In a series of conversations with everything from the setting sun to curious deer, they say goodbye to autumn and welcome the glorious first snow of winter.” (Taken from Goodreads)

The First Day of Winter

The First Day of Winter by Denise Fleming
“Alive with swirling snow and lots of outdoor fun, the first ten days of winter bring special gifts for a special friend. This cumulative tale will have children chanting along as they discover all the trimmings needed for the most perfect snowman ever!” (Taken from Goodreads)

Big Snow

Big Snow by Jonathan Bean
“While “helping” his mother with holiday housecleaning, a boy keeps a watchful eye on the progress of a winter storm. He’s hoping for a big snow. A really big snow. Inside, he is underfoot, turning sheet-changing and tub-scrubbing into imaginary whiteouts. Outside, flakes are flying. But over the course of a long day (for Mom) the clouds seem slow on delivering a serious snowfall. Then comes a dreamy naptime adventure, marking just the beginning of high hopes coming true in this irresistible seasonal story.” (Taken from Goodreads)

Three on a Theme: Snow

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