• Lists

    15 Book & Movie Pairs for Families


    As the days get shorter and the weather gets cooler, you might be looking for a way to spend some quality family time together. How about sharing a book and movie pairing? How about 15 book & movie pairs for families? This is a perfect way to connect with your…

  • Lists

    30 Variations of Little Red Riding Hood


    I’ve mentioned in the past, that I love fractured fairy tales! I love the comfort of knowing the story, but also having it turned on its head in a completely new and different way. I chose Little Red Riding Hood, for a few reasons, the first is that it’s a…

  • Lists

    9 Cumulative Tales to Share Together

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    I love cumulative tales! They are so fun to read and can be so interactive in storytime (albeit a little long at times). Cumulative tales, also called chain tales are “rhythmic stories with a narration that builds upon itself, adding on and repeating previous information.” (Imagination Soup) As the story…

  • Lists

    26 Alphabet Books for Families

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    There are approximately a bajillion alphabet books in existence. You can find an alphabet book on just about any topic. Granted, some are better than others, but overall there are more than most people will ever see. If you’re lucky your local library or independent bookstore might have a whole…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 5: New Book, New Possibilities

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    A new book is a world of new possibilities. I get so excited when I’m starting a new book! What will I get out of this book? The possibilities are endless. I could learn something new, connect with a character that allows me to connect with someone in my life…

  • Lifestyle

    Memorial Day Weekend


    It’s Memorial Day Weekend and for me that usually means I’m heading to my parents’ home for the long weekend to visit family. This year, my sister was planning to come out to my parents’ for a few extra days to do some wedding planning, but with everything closed it’s…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 2: Meeting Authors


    I’ve been lucky in my life to meet countless children’s and young adult authors. Granted, being a librarian and book blogger does have it’s advantages! But I also met authors as a kid at school visits, the public library, and at other programs and festivals. Our school district had Robin…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 1: How Many Books?!?!


    Today is Day 1 of my 2020 Slice of Life Challenge! I often get incredulous looks and this common response when people find out how many books I read. “You read how many books?!?!?!” Many probably think they’d rather do a hundred other things than sit down with a book.…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 24: Reading

    I didn’t start reading at a ridiculously young age. I started reading in first grade (like most kids my age). But, I grew up in a house that enjoyed reading – both of my parents read to us at bedtime and as we grew up, my mom would take 15-20…