
Memorial Day Weekend

It’s Memorial Day Weekend and for me that usually means I’m heading to my parents’ home for the long weekend to visit family. This year, my sister was planning to come out to my parents’ for a few extra days to do some wedding planning, but with everything closed it’s a no-go. Thankfully, she’s not getting married until next summer, but she wanted to at least get a few things checked off her list. And, because we’re still under a stay at home order in my part of the state, I’m staying put too.

That order, also means there won’t be any parties or hanging out with friends either. So what are my plans?

Weekend Plans - TBR Pile
TBR pile


Well, today it’s supposed to thunderstorm on and off for most of the day, so I’m planning to find a cozy corner and get a lot of reading done! I’ve got a stack of books I want to read (It’s Monday! What Are You Reading?) and today’s the perfect weather day to do that.


I’m considering tackling baking a chocolate babka. It looks absolutely delicious but seems extremely involved. Probably the perfect time, I don’t have any other plans! I found this recipe from The New York Times and I figured why not?


I’m also going to run over to my aunt and uncle’s house to pick up some seedlings for my garden. My uncle loves to garden and has all sorts of plants that he grows from seed, so I’m going to run and pick up a few things for my own garden. I love getting the chance to grow our own vegetables during the summer. It’s so easy to walk out the back door, pick what I need for dinner and be ready to go!

Other than that, I’ve got to get to the grocery store this weekend. I’ve only been going every other week during coronavirus, so are cupboards are looking quite bare at the moment! And the only other thing I have to do is clean the house up. It’s amazing how much more dirt accumulates now that we’re both working from home.

Have a happy and safe Memorial Day weekend everyone!


  • Jen Robinson

    Usually my husband and daughter go on a family camping weekend with a bunch of our friends this weekend, and I stay home and have a reading retreat. None of that is happening this year, so I’m just hoping to get some reading time in – always harder when they are around. Good luck with your own reading + gardening plans, and especially with the chocolate babka.

    • Laura Arnhold

      A reading retreat sounds lovely, hopefully you can still sneak a little time to yourself this weekend! I’m halfway through my babka recipe and so far, so good! Pictures to follow!

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