• Lists

    Level Up: Pairing Video Games with Books (Mario Bros.)

    Mario Bros. (Everyone – Everyone 10+) Mario is a video game franchise with a variety of games, most focused on Marioā€™s adventures saving Princess Peach with his younger brother Luigi from the evil grasps of Bowser. The books chosen for this game style include high fantasy, adventure stories for all…

  • Lists

    Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Superpowers

    Top Ten Tuesday

    When I first started thinking about Bookish Superpowers, my mind went immediately to fantasy novels with main characters that had magical abilities, but rather, this theme is about superpowers that have to do with books, not necessarily found in books. And I’ll admit, this was a trickier theme for me…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Hugs & Kisses (2023 update)

    mother and daughter kiss

    This is the perfect storytime theme for Valentine’s Day or anytime you need the kids to get a few extra snuggles from their caregivers! With a focus on hugs and kisses, this storytime theme is super sweet. Plus, some of the characters are just absolutely adorable! And while there are…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Cats (2023 update)

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    As a librarian, it’s almost a must-have to do a cat-themed storytime! And while I’d consider myself more of a dog person, there are some absolutely adorable cat books on the shelves! I will give you a fair warning, make sure to read any pet-themed book before storytime, you never…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Bubbles (2023 update)

    bubbles header

    Bubbles are a crowd favorite and definitely a huge success when used at storytime. Whether you go old school with a bubble wand or have a fancy machine to do all that blowing for you – the kids will absolutely love it! So, what’s stopping you from doing a whole…

  • Activities

    Storytime Theme: Fruit (2023 update)

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    Strangely enough, my fruit and veggie storytimes have been some of my most favorite and popular ones with my families. I never expected that fruit would be so exciting, but the kids absolutely loved it! I want kids to learn about maybe some fruit that they aren’t familiar with or…