Top Ten Tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday: Bookish Superpowers

When I first started thinking about Bookish Superpowers, my mind went immediately to fantasy novels with main characters that had magical abilities, but rather, this theme is about superpowers that have to do with books, not necessarily found in books. And I’ll admit, this was a trickier theme for me than most, I had to get more than a little inspiration from blog posts and articles I found online to think outside the box a little.

What would your bookish superpowers be?

Bookish Superpowers

Signed Books

I would love to be able to get any book I want signed. I think I’ve mentioned in the past that I often purchase signed copies of books for the kiddos in my life – my niece and nephew, and many of my friends’ kids. It’s such a special gift, super personalized, and something that they most likely won’t be getting from anyone else. Plus, one of the kiddos in my life is almost a teenager now and has over a decade of signed books in her own personal library, which is pretty cool.

Access to All the Books I Want to Read

I know, I know, I could just buy all the books I want to read. But, with limited space on my bookshelves and my affinity to libraries, I don’t like to buy so many books all the time. I could also probably buy them for my Kindle where they won’t take up any additional physical space, but as much as I read on my Kindles and it’s a lot, I still love reading phsyical books.

Remembering What I’ve Read & the Details

This one would be absolutely amazing! I can never remember what I’ve read, even when I’m keeping track of books on Goodreads or through my library card history. And even more importantly, I can’t ever remember specific details. I can usually tell you whether or not I loved a book, but the actual storyline – forget about it!

Reading More Than One Book at a Time

I am a one-book-at-a-time kind of person. I think the only time I ever read more than a book at a time, I was probably in grade school and had to read a school book and was still reading something else just for fun. There are times when I can’t get the characters from a previous book out of my head even when I start a new one, so reading more than one at a time is disastrous!

Finding My Place In a Book Quickly

Yeah, yeah, yeah it’s called a bookmark. Even with all the bookmarks I’ve been gifted over the years, I still tend not to use one. And if I use a bookmark, it’s usually a scrap of paper or a tissue (clean of course). I’d love a superpower that would allow me to open my book to exactly where I left off every time!

Reading in the Dark

I know, another one that is easily solved by reading on my Kindle and I do love that, but sometimes what I want to read isn’t available on Kindle from the library. I’ve found that reading on my Kindle at night allows me to relax more quickly while having a light on sometimes takes me longer to fall asleep. Having the availability to read physical books in the dark would just be so cool.

Being Able to Read & Do Household Chores

This one would be fine if I could listen to audiobooks while I do my housework, but I don’t have the stamina to listen to audiobooks as well as I read. I tend to drift off into my own thoughts and then miss what’s happening or I’ll need to ask my partner something and fifteen minutes later the audiobook is still going and I haven’t heard a thing. And I know, I should just put on my headphones and get to the chores that need to be done, but I don’t find headphones comfortable and I don’t like not being able to hear other things around me. It’s definitely something I want to work on so that I can get more reading done!

Fix Broken Books

I take pretty good care of my personal books. But I’d love a superpower that would allow me to fix broken books. Especially since I’ve noticed that more and more recently books are not made as strongly anymore and tend to fall apart more quickly and easily.

Time Travel to Read Complete Series

I’ve lamented in the past here on my blog about not starting a series that hasn’t already been completely published. I tend to forget book details very quickly, so having read a book and then waiting until the next book in the series is published is soooo hard! I’d love to be able to time travel into the future to finish those series.

Finding the Nearest Library

I love this idea of a bookish superpower being able to find your nearest library. My family already jokes that I have a sixth sense for locating libraries, it’s probably more that I pay attention to the universal green library sign that you’ll see spread across the country. But, I love visiting libraries wherever I travel, so this would be an awesome superpower!

top ten tuesday

Top Ten Tuesday was created by The Broke and the Bookish in June of 2010 and was moved to That Artsy Reader Girl in January of 2018. It was born of a love of lists, a love of books, and a desire to bring bookish friends together.


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