
A Thanksgiving Adventure

Like many of you, our Thanksgiving plans have been turned on their head this year. But, with everything going on, I’m grateful to have a few days off! After the pie has been served, I’m going to crack as many books as I can this weekend and just enjoy! But first, my very own Thanksgiving adventure!

Meal Prep

I’m tackling Thanksgiving dinner head-on, figured out how many sides is acceptable for four people (the answer is seven), finding recipes, and getting my grocery shopping done. My partner’s mom graciously donated the turkey to our cause. It’s a 12-lb. bird, not too big, and would be perfect for dinner and leftovers. It was in the refrigerator since Sunday night. Last night the sucker was still frozen. So like everyone else who has never actually cooked a turkey before, I started to panic! We dropped the wrapped bird in a giant bowl of water and let the magic take over.


Fast forward to this morning at 6am when the pup whined to go outside… The turkey is still in a giant bowl of water on my kitchen counter. That’s right, I totally forgot about it last night! I got wrapped up in an entertaining romance novel and then when straight to bed. So, rather than flirting with possible bacteria, because it’s 2020 after all, I went to the grocery store. Because the last thing we need is someone in the hospital due to food poisoning!

Thankfully, the grocery store was open and I was able to scoop up the second-to-last turkey. This sucker’s 20 lbs. I don’t even really like turkey. I’m honestly here for the side dishes. But, I grabbed it anyway, had to pay for it since I didn’t get a free turkey coupon and it’s now sitting in my refrigerator.

My next job? Recalculating my cooking times to make sure that monster is done in time. I’m just grateful there was still a turkey available!

A Thanksgiving Adventure
My meal is definitely not going to look as pretty as this!

Holiday Wishes

Wherever you are today, I wish you a very happy Thanksgiving! I know we’re Zooming with family this afternoon and although it’s not the same, I’m so grateful we have the ability to at least see each other this year. Maybe next year we’ll host a week-long celebration of all the holidays we didn’t get to spend together! A Holiday-palooza!

Last year I pulled together a list of books about gratitude. This year it’s been a little more difficult to be grateful after so much has been happening, but I’m still so lucky and grateful for friends, family and my second turkey! Happy Thanksgiving, everyone!

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