
#blogbookaday: There’s a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor


There's a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor

“The outcome is anything but predictable when an exhausted hotel guest sets out in search of sleep in this kid-pleasing romp full of visual humor.

Will Mr. Snore ever get some shut-eye at the busy Sharemore Hotel? The room on the first floor is too noisy. The room on the second floor is too crowded. The room on the third floor is too damp. Everywhere Mr. Snore goes, with a dutiful bellhop leading the way, he encounters something that’s bound to keep him awake. Why is it so hard to find some peace and quiet? Perhaps Mr. Snore will have better luck on the thirteenth floor. . . . From author and playwright Wade Bradford and award-winning illustrator Kevin Hawkes comes a laugh-out-loud tale that plays with expectations and revelations — and reveals a surprisingly thought-provoking final twist. ” (Taken from Goodreads)


Mr. Snore has had a long day and is ready for bed when he checks-in to The Sharemore Hotel. But, when the lights go out, he finds a Mouse in his bed, followed by a pig, and then water dripping on his nose. The bellhop takes him to a new floor after each complaint, but there’s always someone in the room. He finally is able to fall asleep, only to have a dinosaur upset that there’s a small man sleeping in his bed!

Personal Reaction:

This is such a fun book, because you never know what’s going to happen next! Kids will adore guessing what comes next with each page turn and giggle at the ridiculous of The Sharemore Hotel. I loved the use of onomonapeia and this could be a great read aloud for story time that would definitely keep kids attention!

Title: There’s a Dinosaur on the 13th Floor
Author: Wade Bradford
Illustrator: Kevin Hawkes
Publisher: Candlewick Press
Publication Date: October 2, 2018

#blogbookaday (1)

This is a new idea I’m trying on my blog this year that was inspired by @donalynbooks and @heisereads – to provide a brief review of a picture book every day of 2018. You’ll get a brief summary of the story, a review of the content, illustrations and theme, my personal reaction to the book and all the pertinent publication information! Enjoy!

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