
It’s Monday! What Are You Reading? 9/24/18

I loved The Remarkable Journey of Coyote Sunrise by Dan Gemeinhart – he has such an amazing way of writing characters that take up space in my heart and all I want to do is hug them! It was beautifully written and one that is sticking with me long after I finished it. I’m in the middle of So Done by Paula Chase and really enjoying it as well. I’m curious to see where it’s going to go, but I’ve heard so many great things about it already!

This week, I hope to read – Blood Water Paint by Joy McCullough and who knows what else! I’ve got to get my TBR list organized because we’re heading toward October and best books lists and I need to catch up on a few titles that have slipped through the cracks for me this year!

Join Jen from Teach Mentor Texts and Kellee and Ricki from Unleashing Readers and share all of the reading you have done over the week from picture books to young adult novels. Follow the links to read about all of the amazing books the #IMWAYR

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