• Lists

    National Native American Heritage Day

    National Museum of the American Indian

    Thanksgiving has a fraught history here in the United States. Many people choose to see this national holiday as a time to spend with family and friends. Others are using Thanksgiving as a learning experience to better understand the history of Indigenous people in the United States and how their…

  • Lists

    Blogging From A to Z Challenge – Indigenous Voices

    AtoZ Challenge Day 9

    Much of what children are taught about Indigenous peoples is the horrible history of being pushed out of their land by settlers in the 18th century. What many kids don’t realize is that there are many people who identify with Indigenous tribes throughout the United States today and that their…

  • Reviews

    #blogbookaday: First Laugh Welcome, Baby!


    Summary: “The First Laugh Ceremony is a celebration held to welcome a new member of the community. As everyone–from Baby’s nima(mom) to nadi (big sister) to cheii (grandfather)–tries to elicit the joyous sound from Baby, readers are introduced to details about Navajo life and the Navajo names for family members. Back matter includes information about…