• Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 22: Falafel Tonight, Samosas Tomorrow


    I’ve mentioned that I love to cook – when I’m not working or reading, you’ll most likely find me in the kitchen. For dinner tonight? Falafel sandwiches, homemade of course. I found an amazing recipe in Cooking Light that makes falafel very quick and easy to make, plus it’s delicious!…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 8: A Delicious Dinner

    Slice of Life Day 8

    It has been what feels like a very long week – I’ve been getting back to the gym in the morning, head straight to work and then have had something to do every night this week! Last night, I had dinner plans with a friend and I was absolutely exhausted,…

  • Lifestyle

    Slice of Life Day 5: Cook Them Tasty Food

    Slice of Life Challenge Day 5

    “Love People. Cook Them Tasty Food.” Penzy’s Spices I started cooking when I was little. You don’t have a choice when you’re growing up as one of four siblings in a household where your parents like to cook and try new food. Nights were spent helping to make dinner and…

  • Lifestyle

    Reading and Other Passions

    I love to read and if given the choice when I have a little extra time, that is likely how you’ll find me – nose in a book and probably so engaged I’m no longer paying attention to what’s going on around me.  I’m constantly carrying a book around, always…