• Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Youthful

    Y: Youthful

    I wanted the chance to throw in some picture books to the 300+ titles I was suggesting this month, so I thought my adjective “youthful” would be the perfect place for them! I tried to pull a mix of picture book titles that are great for older readers with more…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Xenacious

    X: Xenacious

    Let me tell you that finding a word to describe people that starts with “X” is not an easy feat! In fact, I had to learn what xenacious meant in order to even use it. Xenacious means, “a yearning for change” which I took as trying something new. Now, you…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Willful

    W: Willful

    I’m choosing to use the word willful in the best possible sense – kids who have a dream and don’t give up on that dream, kids who know what they want and go for it. The characters in the books below are some of the most willful characters I’ve read…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Volunteer

    V: Volunteer

    I think volunteerism is a great way for kids to give back to their communities. While some kids are forced to complete volunteer projects whether it’s for school, scouts, or religious organizations, other kids will find volunteering a fulfilling way to spend their time, especially when it’s a project they’re…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Unique

    U: Unique

    This is such a fun list of titles! These titles are filled with off the wall humor that will, honestly, not be for everyone. But, when you find a kid who’s looking for something a little unique, this is the perfect list to hand them. After reading a few of…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Theatrical

    T: Theatrical

    I was a behind the stages type of theater kid growing up, I had no need to be in the spotlight with everyone staring at me! Though I spent a lot of time with friends who did a lot of on stage work! I think what a lot of kids…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Scientific

    S: Scientific

    For the scientifically-minded kids out there, this is a great list of titles. These books incorporate science and math right into the story. Sometimes the story focuses right on the science. While other times the characters try to use science and math and technology to figure out the world around…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Reader

    R: Reader

    Of the 26 book lists this month, I think this one has to be my favorite! I have always love to read. I didn’t necessarily learn to read exceptionally early. But, once I did learn, I constantly had a book in my hands. I carried one with me everything, sneaking…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Quiet

    Q: Quiet

    This was a list that I created for the 12-year-old me. The kid whose nose was forever in a book because I was quiet and shy and definitely an introvert. Books were (and still are) a safety net for me, something to occupy myself with when I was too uncomfortable…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Playful

    P: Playful

    We’re moving right along through the alphabet this month! Today’s letter is “P” and I decided to focus on playful kids, or kids that still have strong, active imaginations. The books I chose for today’s book list include stories full of imagination or really well-written fantasy novels that are full…