• Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Daredevil

    D: Daredevil

    I am by no means a daredevil, I’ve always been a cautious person – not a fan of roller coasters or haunted houses, it’s just not who I am. I’ve started rock climbing at a local gym a little over a year ago. And while I don’t necessarily see it…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Creative

    C: Creative

    Creativity comes in many forms, but for today’s book list, I wanted to focus on kids that were artistic. (We’re going to focus on music later this month) But art comes in many forms and I tried to share a lot of different types of creativity in this list from…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Brave

    Today’s adjective for the letter “B” is BRAVE. Bravery can come in many forms. You’ll find it in full fantasy novels as a character fights against evil, in everyday occurrences when a character speaks up for what is right, and in quiet moments when a character advocates for themselves. No…

  • Lists

    2023 Blogging A to Z: Active

    2023 blogging a to z

    It’s officially day one of the 2023 Blogging A to Z Challenge! If you missed my theme reveal, make sure to go back and check it out! The official theme that I chose is “Books for Every Reader.” And for each letter of the alphabet, I’m selecting an adjective that…