Slice of Life Day 24: Jigsaw Puzzle to the Rescue

I’ve finally found something that gets my mind off of COVID-19 even for just a few minutes – a jigsaw puzzle! I loved doing puzzles as kid, but rarely do them now as an adult. And every time I open one up, I realize again how much fun it is. My mom found this puzzle while we were down the shore a few summers ago. And later gifted it to me for Christmas. I forgot about it for a bit and when I came across it cleaning a few weeks ago, I knew it would come in handy. This weekend I busted it out. After putting together the edges, I opened up my dining room table to include both leaves (it’s a small table). And now I’ve got a 1,000 piece puzzle to tackle. And not only that, this one has really weird pieces that don’t look like the typical pieces you’re used to. As I walk past the table, it catches my attention and then I get sucked in for 5-10 minutes looking for just one more piece. My partner even sat down for a bit yesterday to pull a few pieces together too. It’s a great way to focus on something other than the coronavirus and de-stress too! Plus, if you want to, you could listen to an audiobook at the same time – a little reading and hobby time together! There’s something so exciting about finding pieces that work together, sometimes when you least expect it! Because this puzzle is somewhat abstract, I think it’s going to be a challenge to put it together. What ways are you finding to de-stress and focus on some me-time right now? This is my second year participating in the Slice of Life Challenge. I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!