Slice of Life Day 25: Homemade Samosas for the Win

So, I mentioned I was going to try to make samosas this weekend and yesterday afternoon I went for it! I found a really awesome (and easy) recipe on an online database I can access from my library. Check to see if your public library has access to AtoZ World Food – it’s an awesome online resource if you’re a foodie (or aspiring foodie). The samosa recipe was super simple and I added a few ingredients myself to pump up the flavor a little bit. I cooked half the batch by deep frying and then I baked the other half to see if I could deal with eating a healthier version. The deep fried samosas were a delicious trial run. I liked the flavor and although they looked ridiculous it worked out well. I ate (3?) of the fried samosas and left no room to try a baked one, so that will be a great lunch/snack for today! What you don’t see in the pictures of my final results was the samosa that just absorbed way too much oil (it wasn’t hot enough) or the goofy looking one I ate while I was making the others! I’m super excited to try making them again with a few modifications! The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!