Slice of Life Day 12: Meetings

Much of my time as a director is spent attending meetings. Some more helpful than others. Last night was our Library Board of Directors meeting – this is an advisory group of township residents who work with me on projects for the library and meet monthly. My Board is extremely supportive of the library, in the past few years we’ve gone through a strategic planning process and updated our outdated library policy manual. This year, we’ll be working on a feasibility study of our current space and hopefully the plans for what a new/additional space would look like. It’s the very first step in the process and one the Board is excited to be a part of. Last night, we spent a good amount of our time during the meeting, creating a vision board/wish list of what a new library could look like without any boundaries or restrictions. It’s an exercise I’ve already done with my staff and departments heads and I was curious to see the Board’s perspective. It’s exciting because what has been written down in previous planning sessions, also came up last night which means that many of us are on the same page already (library pun intended). And that’s awesome – we have a shared vision for what the library can be for the community. Our next step will be work with an architectural firm on the feasibility and use study of our current space and a conceptual plan for a future space. This project is a fairly massive undertaking that if I think about too much terrifies me, so we’ll take one step at a time and see what happens next. But, it’s great to know that we have our Board’s support and vision for the future. The Slice of Life Challenge is something new I’m trying this month! I’ll be posting brief posts that show a glimpse of my life in story-format. A slice of my life as a librarian and blogger that I hope you enjoy!